Flight Arrivals

Currently arrival conditions
are good

The hugely popular Flight Arrivals news board is THE place to post news and photographs of migrant butterflies, moths and dragonflies, and to hear about what is on the wing right now. It is designed to facilitate a rapid exchange of information, allowing other recorders to pick up on trends and encourage further recording.

All contributions to Flight Arrivals are valuable additions to our understanding of insect migration; whether the species you record is common or rare, we want to hear about it. Photographs are a great addition but by no means required, so, whether this is your first insect record or you are a seasoned recorder, please add your records and contribute to our collective knowledge.

Please follow the user guidelines

To view news or report sightings to Flight Arrivals click here.

We ask recorders to follow these guidelines.

If you would like to report news for publication in Atropos without it appearing on this page please contact us.


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